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Internet marketing runs on dreams. On dreams of buyers, whose purchases are tickets to their desired lifestyles. And on even bigger dreams of marketers, who are driven by their ceaseless need to crush it and live the "good life".

A life without endless work hours, suffocating offices, oppressive bosses, maddening commutes, and the ever-present financial challenges. A life lived fully. A life in which you are free to do whatever you want.

Sweat and tears?

Many of us assume that to gain a pass to the dream life, we have to work hard, do what’s expected of us, and achieve something big.

Sweat and struggle first, and - if it's written in the stars - the good life will follow. The idea being that we can be free and live fully only after we've made it.

Does this sound familiar to you? Does it sound sensible? It did to me for many years. Until I studied what high achievers do and discovered something intriguing...

So, what's the secret?

Successful marketers – just as people who excel in sports, arts and other endeavors – use tons of different strategies (including hard work) to make it to the top. Yet, most of them have one thing in common. Namely, they turned the conventional "success model" around: they claim their freedom first, and brake through later.

They do not wait for anyone’s approval or for the right constellation of stars. They take the liberty to dive deep in and do whatever it takes to make their dream come true.

And many of them do not stop there. They go on and create reality that’s far more interesting and fulfilling than their wildest dreams.

Give yourself permission to leap

High achievers give themselves permission to connect with their calling and commit fully, uncompromisingly, with their whole existence.

It’s this very crucial step - this permission - that empowers them to do what it takes to succeed.

It allows them to leap to the unknown, travel the roads less traveled, keep going in spite of failures, and sweat and struggle until they reach their goal.

So, connect, go for it, and leap!

Even if it’s just a tiny leap, it will give you the motivation and strength to leap again, and again… and before you know it, you’ll live your dream.

Be you, trust yourself to be free, and the future is yours… starting NOW!

Hi! I am a business consultant, writer, marketer, and data miner (not necessarily in his order), and I am here to help you with your online business.

You can read more about me here.

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